We are ACTIVELY SEEKING people to be interviewed for our podcast! You must provide some type of adult entertainment via phone or text messaging services, independently OR through a website like Niteflirt, VerifiedCall, etc, for us to interview you.
If that’s you: Give your admirers a way to learn about you before they call! We can discuss your interests, specialities, likes and dislikes in a friendly conversational way and help new callers learn about you.
Contact starsofphone@gmail.com with the following information to expedite your episode:
Your name:
Your primary website:
Your services profile: (e.g., niteflirt URL, etc)
Your social media info, if you’d like us to follow you!:
A photo you’re comfortable with us including with the podcast (non-explicit): 1400×1400 px size
A 200-word or less bio to be included with the podcast!
We will respond if we are interested in setting something up!